If you have any suggested changes, appropriate prayers, or prayer requests, please send them to the Synod Office.   Send to: Diocese of Algoma
619 Wellington Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. P6A 2M6

Also see: Anglican Cycle of Prayer

Council of the North Cycle of Prayer

Diocese of Tarime parishes

2025 Cycle of Prayer


In addition to the recommendations in the Prayer Cycle below, you are encouraged to pray for Archbishop Anne on a regular basis. She can be named in petitions and biddings in any of the following ways:

Anne, Archbishop of Algoma

Anne, our Bishop

Anne, our Archbishop

Anne, our Archbishop and Metropolitan

Anne, Archbishop of Algoma and Metropolitan of Ontario

Anne, our Archbishop, Metropolitan, and Acting Primate (Until General Synod 2025)

If you are also praying for the Primate, and/or the National Indigenous Archbishop, and/or the Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop Anne should be listed first.

Anne, Archbishop of Algoma and Metropolitan of Ontario;
N., Primate of Canada;
Chris, National Indigenous Archbishop;
N., Archbishop of Canterbury

Until the election of a new Primate takes place at General Synod and Archbishop Anne is no longer serving as acting Primate, you are asked to pray for Bishop Michael Oulton. He should be named immediately after Archbishop Anne as “Michael, Assistant Bishop of Algoma.”



Archbishop’s motto for 2025


“With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!”   Isaiah 12 verse 3 – New living translation


Sunday, January 5th  – 2nd Sunday after Christmas

Monday, January 6th – Epiphany of the Lord

Church of the Epiphany, Sudbury

The Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Green

The Rev. Rhonda Hirst (Hon.)

The Rev. Norm Blanchard (Deacon Associate)


Sunday, January 12th – The Baptism of the Lord

Pray for those to be baptized on this day, and all preparing for baptism, particularly at The Great Vigil of Easter during the Three Days of Christian Passover.


Sunday, January 19th – 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

St. George’s, Espanola

The Rev. Beverly Van der Jagt

Ecumenism throughout Algoma

(Note: If your congregation shares in a particular ministry with a congregation or congregations of another denomination, if there is a local ministerial or other ecumenical group in which the congregation participates, please name them in prayer.)

(Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed Saturday, January 18 – Saturday, Jan. 25)


Sunday, January 26th – 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany

Gathering Table, Thunder Bay

The Rev. Ann Camber


Sunday, February 2nd – The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple (W)

The Church of the Redeemer, Thessalon

St. Saviour’s, Blind River

The Rev. Holly Klemmensen

The Rev. Canon Bob Elkin (Hon)


Sunday, February 9th – Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany (G)

St. John the Divine, North Bay

The Rev. Beth Hewson

The Rev. Grant Churcher (Hon)

St. Peter’s, Callander

The Ven. Joan Locke

St. Mary’s, Powassan

The Ven. Linda White


Sunday, February 16th – Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany (G)

The Parish of West Thunder Bay

(St. James’, Murillo; St. Mark’s, Rosslyn)

The Rev. Jonathan Blanchard

The Rev. Canon Paul Carr (Hon)

The Rev. Nancy Ringham (Hon)

St. Thomas’, Thunder Bay

The Rev. Jonathan Blanchard


Sunday, February 23rd – Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany (G)

Northern Lights Parish

(St. Paul and St. John, Haileybury; St. James’, Cobalt)

The Rev. Valerie Paterson

The Rev. Kate Scott (Deacon Assistant)


Sunday, March 2nd – Transfiguration Sunday: Last Sunday after the Epiphany (G)

Pray for our Territorial Archdeacons, Regional Deans, Lay Deanery Officials, and all who serve on the Diocesan Executive Committee.


Wednesday, March 5th – Ash Wednesday (V)

See p. 283f of the BAS


Friday, March 7th – World Day of Prayer (V)

Resources: https://worlddayofprayer.net/index.html


Sunday, March 9th – First Sunday in Lent (V)

Baptismal Candidates to be initiated at the Great Vigil of Easter or during the Great Fifty Days of Easter;

The members of the Diocesan Postulancy Commission;

The Deanery Pastoral Chaplains: The Rev. Canon Bob Elkin, The Rev. Heather Manuel, The Rev. Rhonda Hirst, The Ven. Linda White, The Rt. Rev. Victoria Matthews, The Rev. Canon Diane Hilpert-McIlroy


Wednesday, March 12th, Friday March 14th, Saturday, March 15th – Lenten Ember Days (V)

Pray for the Church: that the Body of Christ may worship God in spirit and truth.


Sunday, March 16th – Second Sunday in Lent (V)

St. Thomas’, Bracebridge

Lake of Bays Parish

(St. Ambrose’s, Baysville; St. James, Port Cunnington)

The Rev. Canon Phelan Scanlon

Baptismal Candidates to be initiated at the Great Vigil of Easter or during the Great Fifty Days of Easter


Wednesday, March 19th – St Joseph of Nazareth (W)

Pray for labourers.

Pray for unity and wellbeing of Canada’s citizens and residents.


Sunday, March 23rd – Third Sunday in Lent (V)

St. Brice’s, North Bay

The Rev. Dr. Peter Armstrong

The Ven. Marie Loewen (Hon)

The Synod of Moosonee as it meets this week to elect someone to serve a Resident Bishop of Moosonee.

Baptismal Candidates to be initiated at the Great Vigil of Easter or during the Great Fifty Days of Easter


Tuesday, March 25th – The Annunciation of the Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary (W)

Pray that the loving kindness of God may be poured into our hearts that we may accept God’s holy will, no matter the cost.


Sunday, March 30th – Fourth Sunday in Lent (V)

Parish of Muskoka Lakes

(St. Mark’s, Milford Bay; St. John’s, Beaumaris; Christ Church, Gregory; St. James’, Port Carling; St. George’s, Port Sandfield)

Mr. Cory Brunatti

Baptismal Candidates to be initiated at the Great Vigil of Easter or during the Great Fifty Days of Easter


Sunday, April 6th – Fifth Sunday in Lent (V)

Christ Church, Lively

St. John the Divine, Copper Cliff

The Rev. Paul Baskcomb

Baptismal Candidates to be initiated at the Great Vigil of Easter or during the Great Fifty Days of Easter


Sunday, April 13th – Sunday of the Passion with the Liturgy of the Palms ®

Clergy serving in hospice, hospital, and other chaplaincy settings

(The Rev. Anne Carr; The Rev. Rhonda Hirst; The Rev. Beth Hewson; The Rev. Barb Fugelsang; The Rev. Diana Wilde; The Rev. Normand Blanchard)


Monday, April 14th, Tuesday, April 15th, Wednesday, April 16th – Days in Holy Week (R)

– Pray that the way of the cross may be the instrument of our transformation that we may witness to God’s grace throughout the world.

– Pray for Baptismal Candidates to be initiated and those who will renew their baptismal promises during the Great Three Days of Christian Passover.


Thursday, April 17th – Maundy Thursday

Pray for those to be baptized, those being reconciled, and those reaffirming their baptismal vows this weekend.


Friday, April 18th – Good Friday

See p. 310f in the BAS


Saturday, April 19th – Holy Saturday during the day (R) – Vigil of Easter in the Evening (W/G)

Pray for the newly initiated and those who have renewed their baptismal commitment through confirmation, reaffirmation, or reception.


Sunday, April 20th – The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day (W/G)

Emmaus, Sault Ste Marie

The Rev. Holly Klemmensen

The Rev. Bruce McLeish (Hon)

Pray for the newly initiated and those who have renewed their baptismal commitment through confirmation, reaffirmation, or reception.


Sunday, April 27th – Second Sunday of Easter (W)

The Parish of St. Joseph and St. George

(Holy Trinity, Jocelyn; St. George, Echo Bay; The Chapel of the Intercession, Llewellyn Beach)

The Ven. Dawn Henderson

The Rev. Elizabeth Kingston (Deacon Associate)

Pray for the newly initiated and those who have renewed their baptismal commitment through confirmation, reaffirmation, or reception.


Monday, April 28th – St Mark the Evangelist (transferred from April 25) (R)

Pray we may be illumined by the teachings of the Gospels that we may walk in the light of God’s truth.


Thursday, May 1st – St Philip & St James (R)

Pray for grace and strength to bear witness to the truth, that we may bring glory to God in the name of Jesus Christ.


Sunday, May 4th – Third Sunday of Easter (W)

Island Parish of Manitoulin

(All Saints, Gore Bay; St. John the Evangelist, Kagawong; St. Paul’s, Manitowaning; St. Francis of Assisi, Mindemoya; Holy Trinity, Little Current)

The Rev. Catherine Hazlitt

The Rev. Joyce Foster (Deacon Associate)

Please pray the members of Diocesan Synod, which meets this week in Sault Ste. Marie, and for the members of the Diocesan Executive Committee, which will meet for the first time at Synod.

You are encouraged to pray for and commission delegate(s) going to Synod from your congregation or parish.


Tuesday, May 6th – St John, Apostle and Evangelist (W)

Pray we may be illumined by the teachings of the Gospels that we may walk in the light of God’s truth.


Sunday, May 11th – Fourth Sunday of Easter (W)

Parish of the Good Shepherd/Almaguin

(Good Shepherd, Emsdale; St. John’s, Eagle Lake; St. George the Martyr, Magnetawan)

The Rev. Catherine Murkin

The Rev. Canon Edna Murdy (Hon – Emsdale)

Vocations to ordained ministry.


Sunday, May 18th – Fifth Sunday of Easter (W)

Please pray for the retired clergy in your deanery.


Sunday, May 25th – Sixth Sunday of Easter

Pray for the ACW Executive and all of our Anglican Church Women, and for the ACW Annual, May 27-29, in Sault Ste Marie


Monday, May 26th, Tuesday, May 27th, Wednesday, May 28th – Rogation Days (W/V)

Pray for abundant harvests and generous hearts to share God’s bounty that all may have enough.


Thursday, May 29th – Ascension of the Lord (W/Gold)

Church of the Ascension, Sudbury

The Rev. Jeffrey Hooper


Saturday, May 31st – The Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Elizabeth (W)

Pray that we may find favour in God’s sight and proclaim the greatness of God’s name.


Sunday, June 1st – Seventh Sunday of Easter (W)

Pray for Jerusalem & the Holy Land: that in this place and throughout the world, the Body of Christ may have unity and peace.

Note: This Sunday may be observed as Ascension Sunday in addition to the observance of Ascension on Thursday, May 29th.


Sunday, June 8th – The Day of Pentecost (R)

St. Luke’s Cathedral, Sault Ste Marie

The Very Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle

The Ven. Dr. Harry Huskins (Hon)

The Ven. Hugh Hamilton (Hon)


Wednesday, June 11th – St Barnabas, Apostle (R)

Pray that we may always seek the well-being of the Church and not our own renown.


Wednesday, June 11th, Friday, June 13th, Saturday, June 14th – Pentecost Ember Days (R)

Please pray for the ministries of all the baptized in the Church, particularly those newly initiated and those recently received into the Anglican Communion or Confirmed.


Sunday, June 15th – First Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday (W/Gold)

Trinity-All Saints’, Bala

The Rev. Heather Manuel

The Rev. Jim Schell (Deacon Associate)

The Rev. Diana Wilde (Hon)

Holy Trinity, Sault Ste Marie

The Rev. Susan Montague Koyle

Trinity Church, Parry Sound

Mr. Cory Brunatti

The Rev. Dr. Fank A. Thompson (Hon)


Saturday, June 21st – National Indigenous Day of Prayer

We give thanks for the many and varied gifts of God’s children and ask for unity and love to grow among all people throughout Canada and the world.

Resources: https://www.anglican.ca/faith/worship/resources/nadppropers/


Sunday, June 22nd – Second Sunday after Pentecost (G)

St. John the Divine, Garden River

Bishop Fauquier Memorial Chapel/Shingwauk Chapel

The Most Rev. Chris Harper, National Anglican Indigenous Archbishop

– Pray for reconciliation among First Nations, Metis, Inuit, and non-Indigenous peoples throughout Canada.

– Pray for a fruitful outcome to the proceedings of the General Synod of The Anglican Church of Canada, meeting in the Diocese of Huron over the week ahead.


Tuesday, June 24th – Birth of St John the Baptist (W)

Pray for guidance and strength to prepare the way for God according to God’s purpose.


Sunday, June 29th – St Peter & St Paul, Apostles (R)

St. Paul’s, Thunder Bay

The Rev. Gordon Holroyd (Hon)

The Rev. Nancy Ringham (Associate Priest)

The Rev. Anne Carr (Deacon Associate)

St. Paul’s, Wawa

Beverly Boyd

St. Peter the Apostle, Elliot Lake

Gowan Gillmor Memorial Chapel, Sagamok, Spanish River

The Ven. Larry Armstrong

The Rev. Beth Topps Willems (Hon)

The Ven. Roberta Wilson-Garrett (Hon)


Sunday, July 6th – Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Pray for children and youth throughout the Diocese and those who work to nurture their growth in Christ.


Sunday, July 13th – Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Pray for the campers, volunteers, staff, and directors of Camp Manitou, Camp Temiskaming, Camp Gitchigomee.


Sunday, July 20th – Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

St. Mary Magdelene, Sturgeon Falls

The Rev. Dr. Derek Neal

St. James, Goulais River

The Rev. Susan Montague Koyle

The Rev. Dr. Bill Steadman (Hon)

St. James, Gravenhurst

The Rev. Heather Manuel

The Rev. Canon Tom James (Hon)

The Rev. Jim Schell (Deacon Associate)

The Rev. Diana Wilde (Hon)


Tuesday, July 22nd – St Mary Magdalene

Pray that, as we are healed by God’s grace and forgiven, we may offer the healing wholeness of God’s love to others.


Friday, July 25th – St James, Apostle

Pray that we may have the self-denying service that is the mark of true leadership shown to us in Jesus Christ.


Sunday, July 27th – Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Mission to Seafarers

The Rev. Canon Ed Swayze and the Mission’s Volunteer Workers


Almighty God, we give thanks for those who work at sea. We acknowledge our need for the food and raw materials they transport. We recognize that they are often experience loneliness and danger. We ask for your strength and comfort to hold them in all adversity. We ask, too, for grateful hearts that lead us into grateful actions, in the name of Jesus Christ the risen Lord. Amen.


Sunday, August 3rd – Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

Parish of St. Stephen

(Church of the Redeemer, Rosseau; St. Thomas’, Ullswater/Bent River)

The Rev. Peter Simmons


Monday, August 4th – St Stephen, Deacon & Martyr (transferred from Sunday) (R)

Pray that we may love even our enemies and ask for their forgiveness.


Wednesday, August 6th – Transfiguration of the Lord (W)

Pray that, as Jesus was revealed in his glory, we may be changed into his likeness from glory to glory.


Sunday, August 10th – Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (G)

St. Mary’s, Nipigon

St. John’s, Schreiber

The Rev. Jan Latham


Friday, August 15th – St Mary the Virgin (W)

Pray that we may proclaim with joy the greatness of God with our whole being.


Sunday, August 17th – Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (G)

St. John’s, Biscotasing and St. Christopher’s, McGregor Bay, and the ministry of our summer students and supervisors.


Sunday, August 24th – Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (G)

Pray for all the lay ministries that enrich the life and well-being of our churches.


Sunday, August 31st – Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (G)

Pray for our Diocesan Chancellor, Canon Garth O’Neil, and Vice-Chancellor, Mrs. Amy Bottos.


Sunday, September 7th – Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Retreat Houses

(Maison Dieu, Bracebridge; The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine, Toronto; The Society of Saint John the Evangelist, Massachusetts)

Territorial Archdeacons

The Ven. Deborah Kraft

The Ven. Roberta Wilson-Garrett

The Ven. Glen Miller

The Ven. Joan Locke

The Ven. Kelly Baetz


Sunday, September 14th – Holy Cross Day (R)

President, Provost, faculty, chaplain, staff, and students of Thorneloe University and the Fielding Memorial Chapel of St. Mark, Sudbury.


Wed., Sept.17th, Fri., Sept.19th, Sat., Sept.20th – Holy Cross Ember Days (V)

Pray that we may draw the world to Jesus Christ as we take up our cross and follow him.


Sunday, September 21st – Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (G)

Pray for Lay Readers and Leaders of our congregations.


Monday, September 22nd – St Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist (transferred from Sunday) (R)

Pray we may be illumined by the teachings of the Gospels that we may walk in the light of God’s truth.


Sunday, September 28th – Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (G)

St. Michael & All Angels, Thunder Bay

The Rev. Elizabeth Sipos


Tuesday, September 30th – National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

Creator God, from you every family in heaven and earth takes its name. You have rooted and grounded us in your covenant love, and empowered us by your Spirit to speak the truth in love, and to walk in your way towards justice and wholeness. Mercifully grant that your people, journeying together in partnership, may be strengthened and guided to help one another to grow into the full stature of Christ, who is our light and our life. Amen.


Sunday, October 5th – Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (G)

Pray for the extra-diocesan theological institutions engaged in the ongoing learning of our postulants, clergy, and lay ministers.


Sunday, October 12th – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (G) or Harvest Thanksgiving (W)

St. Alban the Martyr, Capreol

The Rev. Doug Prebble


Saturday, October 18th – St Luke the Evangelist (R)

Pray we may be illumined by the teachings of the Gospels and walk in the light of God’s truth.


Sunday, October 19th – Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (G)

The Canons of the Cathedral Church of St. Luke (particularly any in your congregation).


Sunday, October 26th – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (G)

St. Simon’s, Temagami

The Rev. Val Paterson

Holy Trinity, Temiscaming

The Rev. Dr. Peter Armstrong


Tuesday, October 28th – St Simon & St Jude, Apostles (R)

Pray that we may be zealous in our mission and ardent in our devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Saturday, November 1st – All Saints’ Day (W/Gold)

All Saints, Huntsville

The Ven. Kelly Baetz

All Saints, Conniston

The Rev. Canon Genny Rollins


Sunday, November 2nd – Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost (G)

Diocesan Committees and Social Service Projects

(Note: congregations may choose to celebrate All Saints’ Sunday and pray for our congregations in Huntsville and Conniston in addition to their All Saints’ Day celebration on Nov.1st). (W/Gold)


Sunday, November 9th – Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost (G)

St. George’s, Thunder Bay

The Rev. Deb Everest

Pray for those who died, served, or continue to serve in times of war, disaster relief, and in service for peace.


Sunday, November 16th – Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost (G)

Pray for those whose of increasing years, or others who experience limitations to independent living, resulting in isolation, distress, or weakness.


Sunday, November 23rd – Last Sunday after Pentecost: The Reign of Christ (W)

Christ Church, Windermere

The Rev. Judie Cooper

Christ Church, Ilfracombe

The Rev. James Decker

Christ Church, Port Sydney

The Rev. Owen Ash

Christ Church, Sault Ste Marie

The Rev. Brad Mittleholtz

Christ Church, North Bay

The Ven. Joan Locke

The Ven. Linda White (Hon)


Sunday, November 30th – First Sunday of Advent (V/B)

Pray for parishes/congregations in transition.

Pray for the ACW throughout Canada.


Monday, December 1st – St Andrew, Apostle (transferred from Sunday) (R)

Pray that our faith may burn within us and lead us to be examples of God’s love.


Sunday, December 7th – Second Sunday of Advent (V/B)

The Synod Office Staff

(Archbishop Anne Germond, Canon Jane Mesich, Jennifer Barron, Carla MacEwan, Mhora Penny)


Sunday, December 14th – Third Sunday of Advent (V/B)

Alison Weir Diocesan Warden of Lay Readers; The Rev. Dr. GailMarie Henderson, Chaplain to Lay Readers; Deanery Wardens of Lay Readers (The Rev. Susan Montague Koyle; The Rev. Joyce Foster; Janet Borneman; The Rev. Deb Everest; Carrie Birtch),


Wed., Dec.17th, Fri., Dec.19th, Sat., Dec.20th – Advent Ember Days (V)

Pray for preachers that, through proclaiming the gospel message of hope, God’s People may live in confidence as we await Christ’s return.


Sunday, December 21st – Fourth Sunday of Advent (V/B)

St. Stephen the Martyr, Thunder Bay

The Rev. Canon Ed Swayze

The Ven. Dr. Eric Paterson (Hon)

The Rev. Barbara Fugelsang (Deacon Associate)


Thursday, December 25th – The Birth of the Lord: Christmas Day (W/Gold)

Church of the Holy Manger, Barkway

The Rev. Heather Manuel

The Rev. Canon Tom James (Hon)

The Rev. Jim Schell (Deacon Associate)

The Rev. Diana Wilde (Hon)


Sunday, December 28th – First Sunday after Christmas (W)

The Anglican Foundation of Canada

Alongside Hope

The Anglican Missions Services Committee

The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer