Part of our effectiveness as Christian leaders, not to mention our growth as disciples of Jesus Christ, involves accountability.  We are social creatures and God has placed us in community both to nurture others into Christ-like maturity, as well as to be nurtured ourselves.  The trials of our ministry are, in part, intended for our sanctification, while our joys are intended to lead us to worship.  It is our earnest prayer that this inventory, as inadequate an instrument as it is, will lead us both to growth and to worship.

This inventory is drawn from the Ordinal.  These are the vows we made before God and the people of our Church in our ordination to the priesthood.  Of course, ministry involves all the baptized.  But we have undertaken a particular commitment to ‘edify’ or build up the Church (BCP, p. 646; BAS, p. 647), so we are responsible for recruiting, training, inspiring and equipping all God’s people for God’s mission in the world.  And because our 2009-2014 Strategic Plan attempts to articulate how we see this mission unfolding in the Diocese of Algoma, the inventory also relates to some of the goals of the Plan.


The Inventory Review Acknowledgement can be found here.

ALMIGHTY God, who hath given you this will to do all these things: Grant also unto you strength and power to perform the same; that he may accomplish his work which he hath begun in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.