We are saddened to announce that we have been advised of the death of Allison Sheppard, wife of the late Rev. Elliott Sheppard who provided ministry in our diocese from 1981 till his retirement in 1996.  He was Incumbent in Sundridge, Nipigon and Red Rock.

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Archbishop Anne Germond and the entire Diocese of Algoma wish to acknowledge the last official day of ministry (May 31st) for the Venerable Dawn Henderson, Archdeacon of Muskoka and Incumbent at All Saints’, Huntsville.

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Archbishop Anne Germond is pleased to announce the following appointments: Canon Betty Whetham as the Archbishop’s Lay Appointee and The Reverend Canon Doctor John Gibaut as her Clerical Appointee to the Diocesan Executive Committee. The Venerable Linda White as Part-time Interim Incumbent of the parish.

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We are saddened to announce that two of our Algoma families are mourning the loss of loved ones this week:

Mary Frances Gurr passed away peacefully in her 91st year on May 15th in England.  Much loved mother of the Rev. Lynda Mee (Muskoka Deanery) and her brother Jeff.  She was married to Dennis for almost 71 years and is a grandmother of 5 and great grandmother of 9.

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Please be advised that the Diocesan Synod Office will be closed from noon on Tuesday, May 7th, until Monday, May 13th for Early Ministry Conference and Synod 2019.

We will be open for Synod Registration the afternoon of May 8th. 

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Mr. James McIlroy, father of Robert (Rev. Diane Hilpert-McIlroy), died on Sunday, April 28, 2019, surrounded by the love of his family, in Palmerston at the age of 100 years.

The funeral was on May 1st at Palmerston Evangelical Missionary Church.

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The family of Michelle Rollins have requested prayers for her in her struggle with kidney cancer.  We ask that you uphold Michelle and her entire family in your prayers.  We pray for wisdom and compassion for her medical team in Sudbury and Toronto that they may have the expertise required to aid in her care.

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Delegates will note that some blank pages have been inserted to facilitate double-sided printing for those who wish to print the document.

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Archbishop Anne Germond is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Patti Brace as Interim Incumbent at St. Mary’s, Nipigon, commencing August 1, 2019.

Patti will be ordained as a presbyter, God willing, at the opening service of Diocesan Synod on May 8th at St. Luke’s Cathedral.

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A message from Archbishop Anne Germond…

The National House of Bishops meeting in Niagara Falls has ended and we are on our way home to our respective dioceses and homes.  Our time together was deeply prayerful and through our discernment we nominated five bishops who will stand for election as Primate of Canada. 

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Dear people of God in Algoma,

This has been a tragic week around the world, for numerous reasons, and I invite you to join with me in praying for those who have lost loved ones, as well as for those who are struggling to understand the events which resulted in their deaths.  

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Archbishop Anne Germond is pleased to announce the upcoming ordination of the Rev. Dr. Patti Brace, God willing, as a priest in the church of God.  The ordination will be part of the opening service of Synod 2019 at St. Luke’s Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie, on Wednesday, May 8th at 7 p.m.

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Congratulations to Mrs. Ann Abraham and Mr. David Moore, two long-time summer parishioners of Christ Church, Gregory in the Deanery of Muskoka who have been named to the Order of the Diocese of Toronto for their outstanding service, over a significant period of time, to their volunteer lay ministries.

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