The celebration of new ministry between the Venerable Kelly Baetz and All Saints’, Huntsville, was held this past Sunday in addition to her collation as the Archdeacon of Muskoka Deanery.  The Reverend Canon Doctor Judy Paulsen, Professor of Evangelism and Director of The Institute of Evangelism at Wycliffe College, was the preacher.  Her sermon is available at the link below.  Archbishop Anne Germond was the celebrant.  Mr. Don McCormick of Huntsville was the photographer and has graciously allowed the sharing of some of the photos taken during the celebration.



The Ven. Glen Miller, The Ven. Joan Locke, The Ven. Marie Loewen,

Archbishop Anne Germond, The Ven. Kelly Baetz, The Ven. Linda White

Archbishop Anne Germond

Vesting the new Archdeacon


Kelly’s family

Back row – The Rev. Judie Cooper, The Ven. Kelly Baetz, Mr. Bill King

Front row – Claire Baetz, Gregory Baetz, Archbishop Anne Germond


Archbishop Anne, Clergy, Lay Readers and family

Sermon preached by the Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Paulsen    Kelly Baetz’ induction and installation