We offer our heartfelt prayers to the family of Canon Henry Gaines who died on the 14th March, 2025 following a short illness. Many in Algoma will remember Canon Henry as a faithful and devoted Anglican who loved the Lord and served faithfully as the Lay Incumbent of St. Mark’s Heyden for a number of years. We give thanks for the many gifts Henry brought to his ministry including deep engagement with the Scriptures, hospitality to postulants and new ordinands as they attended the Early Ministry Conference, and the heart of a servant as he cared for the people in his charge. His beloved wife Beverly (pre-deceased) was always by his side. It can be said of them that they were truly a team. For his long service to our church, Archbishop Anne named him a Canon of St. Luke’s Cathedral at the Synod in 2017.

Canon Henry lives what he believed – that he was called to serve God in the church and that, in the words of Paul to the Romans, “All things God works for the good of those who love him.” (Romans 8.28)

Canon Henry once wrote these encouraging and hopeful words in a letter to the congregation which speak of his steadfast trust in God: “We pray that each and every one of us will grow in our understanding of the importance of yielding to God’s call to us to serve His plan in His way. We need to know that his plan is the only plan that is important. Why is this so? God’s plan for us is that we would come to know in our heart that all things work together for good for those who love God. It is only through prayer and our willingness to yield to it that His plan will become our plan.”

Rest in peace, good and faithful servant. https://northwoodfuneral.com/tribute/details/6448/Henry-Gaines/obituary.html