God-willing, Ms. Jan Latham, Captain Deborah Everest, and Mr. Thomas Ferris will be ordained to the sacred order of deacons at the opening Eucharist of Synod at St. Luke’s Cathedral in Sault Ste. Marie on May 10th, 2023.

Your prayers are requested for these persons as they prepare for their ordination celebration. The Rev. Canon Diane Hilpert-McIlroy will be leading their pre-ordination retreat.  The ordination preacher will be the Rt. Rev. Michael Oulton, Bishop of Ontario, and the liturgical colour will be white.

At present, Jan serves as a Diocesan Lay Reader on the north shore of Lake Superior. On May 1st she will begin a new ministry as incumbent of St. Mary’s Nipigon and St. John’s Schreiber. Jan is continuing her studies towards the completion of her B.Th. at Thorneloe University. She is married to Greg.

Deborah has served as the Administrative Assistant of St. Michael and All Angels and is the incumbent of St. George’s in Thunder Bay. She is actively involved in the ACW at the deanery and diocesan level and is continuing her studies through the Bishop Thomas Corston School for Ministry.

Thomas is completing his M.Div. at Trinity College in Toronto and is completing his placement at St. James Anglican Church in Goulais River – a combined placement with the United church in that area. At present he is serving as the Lay Steward for the Deanery of Algoma and was elected to be a delegate for General Synod 2022/23. Thomas is married to Amanda. They have a daughter, Amelie.