Archbishop Anne is pleased to announce that, God willing, on Saturday November 12th Joyce Foster, Liz Kingston and Norm Blanchard will be ordained as vocational deacons in Christ’s one, holy catholic and apostolic church.

The service of Holy Eucharist and Ordination will take place at the Church of the Epiphany, 85 Larch Street in Sudbury at 2pm in the afternoon. The Ven. Glen Miller will be the preacher. Clergy, Lay Readers and Ecumenical Guests are invited to vest. The liturgical colour will be red.

Joyce Foster resides on Manitoulin Island in the community of Gore Bay where she has served faithfully as a Lay Reader for a number of years.

Liz Kingston is a resident of Llewelyn Beach in the summer months and is a member of the Parish of St. Joseph and St. George at the Chapel of the Intercession.

Norm Blanchard is Manager of Supportive Care and Grief Services at the Maison McCulloch Hospice in Sudbury and serves as the music director at his home parish, The Church of the Epiphany.

Each of these candidates for ordination brings unique and beautiful gifts to the life of the church. We rejoice with them and their families as their ordination day draws near and invite the wider church to hold them in prayer.