Archbishop Anne Germond is pleased to announce the upcoming ordination (God willing) of Susan Montague Koyle to the sacred order of deacons on Thursday, October 15th, 2020.  The Venerable Dr. Jay Koyle will be the preacher.

Susan is currently the part-time Lay Incumbent of the Parish of St. Joseph and St. George; Lay Pastoral Associate at Emmaus Church in Sault Ste. Marie; and Deanery Warden of Lay Readers for Algoma Deanery.  She previously held the position of Associate for Congregational Vitality in the deanery and has extensive ministry experience in various roles in the Diocese of Moosonee.

She is a student in the Master of Theological Studies at Wycliffe College, Toronto, with an expected graduation in the spring of 2021.

Further details will be shared once arrangements have been determined.

We uphold Susan in prayer as she prepares for her ordination in October.