Resources to Assist Financial Giving During COVID-19 Pandemic


Those of us with some responsibility for stewardship education in the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario have been endeavoring to stay up-to-date on resources to help congregations to deal with financial giving, fundraising, and other stewardship concerns our dioceses and parishes face as we move through the challenges posed by the COVID-19 virus.

Below is a list of some of the most helpful links to help you respond to immediate issues you most likely are seeking to address at present.

My thanks in particular to Susan Graham Walker, Stewardship Ministry Associate for The Anglican Church of Canada, Gillian Doucet Campbell, Director of Stewardship & Development for the Diocese of Niagara, and Lori Guenther Reesor, independent Stewardship Consultant for their input and resourcing.

Also, you should know that all charities and not-for-profits, including parishes, are listed on CanadaHelps. Even if you have not “claimed your page,” money donated through CanadaHelps will still get to your parish. Be sure, though, to search using he legal name of your church.





 The Electronic Offering Program of the Diocese (EOP) is a service that is offered to you and your parish to assist in giving and receiving donations. In this computerized age where many of us pay our bills online this service allows many to donate to their church and other ministries electronically. Click this link to learn more about EOP and to see if your congregation is already registered.


Here’s an article Gillian Doucet Campbell wrote to help support Parishes in her diocese. You may find it helpful as you prepare communications with your congregation. Please note, though, that the links she provides are for her diocese. So if you use what she has prepared, please insert the links for Algoma. (See the link above…)


Trying to find the right words for a donation request or stuck on what to say in a thank you letter during the pandemic? Here is a resource with templates. No need to start from scratch. There are also ideas on this site that are yours to adapt and make your own.


This is a short, practical post about online giving for congregations that are not online themselves.


Some virtual fundraising ideas, some of which are also FUNraising…–97YBYYihOWstcRMu5KSyVn8Mc


Here is a worthwhile ‘Canada Helps’ webinar addressing online giving for your congregation during this uncertain time.



This link provides a review of fundraising and giving during this pandemic and its possible short and long-term impact. The Lilly School of Philanthropy is a great resource, along with its Lake Institute on Faith and Giving. I have not watched it myself as of yet, but I have been told the podcast noted at the end of this article is worth taking in.


If you are on Facebook, here is a group page that continues to post very helpful links:


Also, be sure to like our Diocesan Facebook page and check out posts made regularly on this and other areas of concern: